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Race-based Wage Gaps

2022-12-04  Maliyah Mah

Although many businesses may promote equal opportunity, employees' remuneration often does not reflect this.

Income inequality in the United States has a history that is much older than the country itself. This is because a significant portion of the country's early history was rooted in the free work of enslaved Africans and Native Americans.
Race-based Wage Gaps

The efforts to eliminate these salary disparities began a comparatively short time ago. Only 56 years old, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the most important piece of legislation. It made it illegal to discriminate in terms of remuneration based on "race, color, religion, sex, or national origin."

Then, in 2009, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was passed, which amended prior changes to several federal laws protecting the rights of workers and further clarified that any inequitable or discriminatory payments are illegal, regardless of how long ago those pay decisions or practices occurred. Additionally, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act amended prior changes to several federal laws protecting the rights of workers.

The creation of new laws is a significant step toward bringing about societal change; nevertheless, these laws frequently do not, on their own, bring about or finish the transformation. That in no way negates the fact that there has been some kind of advancement. However, the benefits of the progress that has been made have not been distributed evenly or reached all populations. Native American wage growth and employment, for example, continue their downward trend, both of which are factors that contribute to the high poverty rate among Native Americans (one out of three), as well as the low yearly median income of only $23,000.

In addition, over most of the past half-century, African Americans have been subjected to unemployment rates that are comparable to those of a recession, as well as persistent residential segregation.

It is abundantly clear that significant discriminatory earnings discrepancies among distinct demographic sectors continue to exist in spite of everything that has occurred over the course of the past 56 years. The pay difference between different races is by far the greatest.


  • The wage gap is the unequal difference in pay that exists between distinct groups of people, most frequently on the basis of demographic features.
  • Those of Asian descent earn the most on a weekly basis, on average, followed by workers of White, Black, and Latinx descent, respectively.
  • Another social division is the opportunity gap, which refers to unequal work chances for people of different categories.
  • Comprehension of the Gender Pay Gap
    "The difference between the average salary of two different groups of people," as defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, is what is referred to as a wage gap.
    A population group or groups within a population can accumulate more wealth than others if there is persistent income inequality. The Federal Reserve, the Economic Policy Institute, and the Urban Institute are just some of the organizations that keep track of salary inequalities like this.

Variations in education levels and geographic locations are two examples of the kinds of differences that might contribute to pay disparities.

However, salary differences still exist even when other factors such as these are taken into consideration. These distinctions have their roots in the intentional implementation of system-wide policies and procedures, which have also contributed to their development.

For instance, a number of deregulatory legal edicts, such as the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, created a high-risk economic environment that ultimately led to a sudden and massive withdrawal of credit that ultimately resulted in the Financial Crisis of 2007–2008, further exacerbating preexisting inequalities. This crisis ultimately led to the Great Recession of 2009, which further exacerbated existing inequalities.

Furthermore, discriminatory hiring practices have been a significant contributor to the maintenance of wage inequalities, particularly in relation to high-paying professions. For example, African Americans are significantly underrepresented in a variety of scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical professions.

A survey that was conducted in 2018 by the Pew Research Center found that 72 percent of African American professionals working in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields believe that discrimination in recruiting, hiring, and promotions is a major contributing factor. Additionally causal and occurring earlier in the process: Another outcome of the nation's wealth disparity and the unequal educational system that is produced by property-tax-based school funding is that 73% of these professions report that they are less likely to have access to quality education that prepares them for these careers.

Let's take a closer look at these racial and ethnic salary differences.

In General, the Median Wage
There are significant pay disparities between workers of different races in the United States. According to the data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the fourth quarter of 2020, individuals of Asian ancestry had a weekly median income that is higher than that of individuals of White, Black, and Latinx descent. In most cases, men also make significantly more money than women do.

Workers who identify as Black and Latinx have the lowest weekly median income, with Black men and women making more than Latinx men and women, respectively. Workers who identify as Asian have the highest weekly median income.

The repercussions of this are abundantly clear: according to the findings of our investigation, Black and Latinx households were twice as likely to have no money (or negative wealth) in 2016, as shown in a report published in 2020 by the Institute for Policy Studie

It is important to keep in mind that just because some Asian Americans have greater incomes than others does not suggest that all Asian Americans have higher incomes. According to a study that was conducted in 2016 by the Center for American Progress, the level of wealth disparity that exists among Asian Americans is significantly higher than that exists among White Americans.
17 Non-wealthy Asian Americans have a lower standard of living compared to their White counterparts, while wealthy families have a higher standard of living.

The United States labor force is dominated by people of the white race, with Asian Americans making up the smallest percentage.

Is There a Benefit to Education?

What happens to the pay difference when education levels are taken into account; does it get smaller or completely disappear? Both yes and no, For instance, the chart depicting the median yearly earnings for workers with a bachelor's degree or more in 2016 followed a trend that was almost identical to the chart depicting the median weekly income for the entire population that was presented earlier. Workers from Asia made the most money, followed by workers of other races: white, black, and Latinx. White workers came out on top when it came to earnings in every scenario where educational attainment was capped at an associate's degree or lower. Asian workers came out at the bottom. In a similar fashion, the earnings potential of Black workers with an associate's degree or less was lower than that of Latinx or Asian workers.

Education does make a difference: the inequalities are lower than they are for employees overall when a constant amount of experience and identical job titles are accounted for, although it once again follows the pattern that we see with workers in general. According to data conducted by SHRM in 2020, between 2017 and 2019, Black men earned "98 cents for every dollar earned by men of other races with the same experience and degree doing the same job in the same place" (the Society of Human Resources Management). The resulting prices are 99 cents for Latinos, 1 dollar for White males, and 1.02 dollars for Asian guys.

Similar data demonstrates that there is a wider gap in incomes between men and women across occupational titles, notably for African American women. According to research conducted by the National Women's Law Center in 2016, the median annual income for Black women working in low-wage occupations was roughly $21,700, while the median annual income for White males working in the same positions was $36,000. According to the findings of the survey, the median annual salary for Black women who worked in higher-paying jobs (such as "such as lawyers, engineers, and physicians or surgeons") was roughly $70,000, whereas the median annual salary for White men who worked in the same jobs was $110,000.

The Vacancy in Opportunity

When one investigates more into the causes of the wage gap, one comes across another socioeconomic barrier that has an effect on an individual's potential for earning money: the opportunity gap. This idea "refers to the ways in which race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, English proficiency, community wealth, familial situations, or other factors contribute to or perpetuate lower educational aspirations, achievement, and attainment for certain groups of students." [Citation needed] This concept "refers to the ways in which race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, English proficiency, community wealth, familial situations, or other factors contribute to or

It has apparent professional repercussions that are directly tied to wealth disparity.

A significant contributor to the disparity in opportunities available is the unequal distribution of social capital across different classes, races, and other groups. This social capital is measured by the personal relationships and professional networks that individuals have. Without access to social networks that enable connections and interactions with high-earning individuals and/or organizations, it might be difficult to accomplish upward economic mobility and move up the income ladder. Simply put, having friends, family members, or other social connections in high places makes it easier to secure job opportunities. This is because having a contact who is willing to provide referrals to potential employers is one example of how having friends, family members, or other social connections in high places can help.

The processes by which individuals are recruited into specific areas and the demographics of those who stand to gain from them are both factors that further exacerbate the opportunity gap. For instance, if you want to be successful in a high-paying profession, such as the vast majority of those in the STEM fields, you will most likely need some sort of post-secondary education.

According to research that was recently published in The American Scientist, it has been demonstrated that minority students are dissuaded from completing their STEM degrees due to a lack of peers, senior mentorship, and instructional content that is culturally relevant.

There is also overt racism that may be found in the labor market, as demonstrated by the Pew study, which can be experienced by those who are looking for work. For example, a study that was conducted in 2016 by researchers at the University of Toronto and Stanford University found that resumes were 30% to 50% less likely to lead to job callbacks from employers if they contained "minority racial cues," such as names that are typically associated with Black or Asian identities. This was found to be the case despite the fact that the study was conducted by researchers at both universities.

The researchers then conducted their own investigation with 1,600 resumes to try to confirm the findings of the previous study.

Separation of Labor and Unemployment in the United States
Occupational segregation is another factor that contributes to the racial income gap. This phenomenon describes the situation in which a demographic group is either overrepresented or underrepresented across and within specific occupations.

For instance, Black males are more likely to be employed in lower-paying industries than White men, who are significantly more likely to occupy high-paying senior jobs. This is in contrast to the fact that White men are more likely to be in senior positions.

Fewer than three percent of the CEOs at Fortune 500 companies in 2018 were people of color or had Hispanic ancestry.

And finally, unemployment is a significant contributor to the widening income gap: According to the findings of a study conducted by the Center for American Progress in December 2019 that compared Black and White workers, the percentage of Black workers who were employed during the months of November 2018 and October 2019 was 75.7%. During the same time period, the percentage was 80.8% among workers who identified as White.

The Crux of the Matter

Discrimination based on gender and race is still extremely common in the United States job market, despite the ever-increasing efforts to promote equal opportunity and diversity in the workplace.

If businesses are serious about making a significant contribution to positive social change, a good place to begin would be to get rid of any biases that prohibit workers of all backgrounds from being paid a salary that is just and equitable for the work they do.


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2022-12-04  Maliyah Mah